Sep 24, 2008

A Girl's Best Friend?

I have often heard that a diamond is a girl's best friend. While I like diamonds, I would argue that shoes may beat out the diamond. I love shoes. You can have on a relatively boring outfit and throw on some funky shoes and be completely transformed. Shoes have been known to put a smile on my face and to even inspire me. Silly? Maybe. But I do love them.

From a very young age, my parents would joke that I would grow up and own some sort of specialty shoe store. Hasn't happened yet, but as of now, my life is not yet over.

Nonetheless, I just bought a pair of yellow high heels. I love them. They are fun and I feel fun wearing them. Here is a piece of them. Enjoy and happy shoe shopping!



Coldani Family said...

Specialty Shoe Store?
Would this store sell flats and tennis shoes only ;)

Just checking, you never wear heels, unless forced.

XO Gar, see you soon!

Laurie said...

Yes, you have always loved your shoes. It all started with those Jordans when you were, what 8 or 9?

Anonymous said...

wow, dig these shoes man...can you get me a pair?

Rachel said...

Wow! Yellow high heels? You've come a long way from Air Jordans while we were young. I would love to hear from you.

Rachel (formerly Guetzloe)

P.S. Revis forwarded me to your site.

Vanessa Lee said...

i love cute funky heels... the problem is, I just can't trade-off comfort.

yvette said...

I could not agree more!!!