Mar 19, 2007

Sunsets & Peace Rocks

So I did the whole New Year's resolution thing...I usually try to stay away from them, because, well its just fact that I'm setting myself up for failure! I'm sad to report that this year has been no different. I went with a different sort of resolution, not one to lose 10 pounds (although I DID do that), not to call my Mom once a week (although I call her AT LEAST twice a week), not to take up a new hobby (afterall, I already have too many), but I decided that I was going to take a picture of the sunset each and every day...yup, all 365 of them! So needless to say I have failed miserably at doing this, but I have some to show you that I have captured along the way. I love sunsets...they seem to take on a life of their own, and they're so different each day.

Oh yeah, as for the Peace Rock, I just kind of dug it.






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