Jun 12, 2008

Flowers Are So Cliche

So though I understand it is a bit cliche to take a picture of a "pretty flower", let me first explain my reasoning behind this little side project. I was in Ramona (and for those of you who know where Ramona is, that should be enough said) for a real estate shoot, and had about an hour to kill. I often find myself in some interesting spots in my travels, and am faced with a decision on how I will "kill" my time. Today, the house I was shooting was in an interesting and somewhat secluded location, and as I as I started to make the last leg of the journey toward the house, I noticed the variety of flowers along the road I was traveling on.

I decided at that point that I would get out of the car and see what I could do. At first glance, I saw all the beautiful flowers in full bloom and started to think of what I could do with them...at that point I was somewhat uninspired. I started to look a little closer, and found the "weeds" to be even more interesting that the flowers that were over taking the road. So, here is what I came up with. Hopefully you can see that looking beyond the surface can be gratifying.






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